Welcome to The Layman’s Institute!
NOTE: All the “courses” listed below are still in the “Coming Soon!” category. Unfortunately, as I write this (today is September 23, 2020) none are in existence, yet. However, all the courses are in the works, and also, there will be updates posted on Facebook.
Alternatively; is there something within the listed subjects that you would like to learn? If so, please send me an email outlining your interest. I will notify you as that information becomes available, or as short, free posts become available on YouTube.
In any case, the goal on this website is to provide training videos, articles, photographs, etc. to help you advance in whatever discipline you are pursuing. Obviously, I cannot hope to be “all things to all learners. However, I want to begin with some tips.
Eventually, I hope to offer instructions regarding workshop math. Also, within the Welding and Steel fabrication topics, I hope to discuss basic steel metallurgy for welders, and how to accurately bid a welding job. Further, in the area of Lutherie, I would like to offer an introduction to violin making, and some practical turorials.
Additionally, I am also interested in other practical topics. Possibly, I will include an article on fruit-tree grafting. I also hope to create some boat-building blogs later on, but I am getting old enough that such large projects are becoming less likely.
Again, I will be starting pretty slowly, but I hope to build up a website which will offer real teaching about real subjects.
An update: There are now (as of April, 2024) ten Bible Commentaries and four Lutherie books available as the opening offerings for this website.
I will look forward to connecting with you.
Chet Bishop
Planned Curricula
Workshop Math
For example; Do you know how to use a framing square to draw a perfect circle?
Or, can you calculate the total weight of the welds called out on a blueprint?
Would you be able to calculate the weight of a large plate of steel, using a tape measure?
Also, do you know how to determine the proper angles to cut the edges of each strake in a round-top wooden chest?
If you find these ideas challenging, then perhaps this course can help you!
Violin-family Lutherie
Can you set a soundpost? Or, can you fit a bridge?
Would you be able to resurrect an old fiddle that has been languishing in an attic for fifty years?

Could you build a violin (or a viola, a cello, or a double bass) from scratch?
Finally, can you adjust an instrument, in such a way that all the strings play well and evenly?
If not, then, perhaps this course will help you!
Books about Lutherie

Currently (as of 2024) there are four Books about Lutherie available. Unfortunately, I can only offer these books in Kindle format. However, you can download them free of charge, if you are a member of “Kindle Unlimited.”
Bible and Theology
- First, do you know what the Bible actually teaches about various subjects?
- Second, can you point to the passages where it actually says what you have been “told” it says?
- Third, do you know how to apply the scriptures to your own life?
- On another matter, do you know how to sort out the prophetic order given in Scripture?
These will be free articles, and, in some cases, downloadable books. Obviously, if a hardcopy bound book is available, it will not be free, but I will make sure it is affordable. Perhaps you will find these to be useful and helpful. There will be no obligation incurred by accessing the free files.
As of 2024, there are ten Bible Commentaries available. As of now, all are available as paperback, or in Kindle electronic version on Amazon. Or, if you are a member of “Kindle Unlimited, then they can be downloaded free of charge. The covers all look something like this:
(Furthermore, in the case of places where the books cannot be shipped, or where they would be prohibitively expensive, I will, on a case-by-case basis, send a .pdf copy without charge.)
Other Interests
- Fruit-Tree Grafting
- Boat-building
- Woodworking projects
- Bentwood boxes
- Etc.